10 Society terms
This glossary can help you prepare for the IELTS writing tasks related to the Pressure of Modern Society in Society.
Buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself.
Example: People have to spend more time acquiring new techniques and skills.
To a greater degree or in greater amounts than is necessary, normal, or desirable; inordinately.
Example: Excessively hard work means that people can never get rid of the fatigue of their work, even in their leisure time.
Extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.
Take action so as to be free of (a troublesome or unwanted person or thing).
With extreme force or strength.
Example: Therefore, it is understandable that people keep themselves involved in intensely hard work in order to preserve their positions.
The act of an employer suspending or terminating a worker, either temporarily or permanently.
Example: Many people feel anxious that they may be “laid-off” if they can’t work as hard as others.
The action of pursuing someone or something.
Example: And their spare time tends to be fully occupied, not with leisure pursuit, but with work-related pursuits.
Happening in a short time or at a great rate.
Example: In the first place, with the rapid development of science and technology, work today is more demanding than it used to be.
A way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution or performance of an artistic work or a scientific procedure.
Without doubt; certainly.
Example: In modern society, especially in big cities, undoubtedly hard work has become a very important feature of ordinary people’s everyday life.