Energy generation in Environment Glossary for IELTS
10 Environment terms
This glossary can help you prepare for the IELTS writing tasks related to the Energy generation in Environment.
A combustible black or dark brown rock consisting chiefly of carbonized plant matter, found mainly in underground seams and used as fuel.
Example:Turning to Coal and Lignite, Malaysia and Singapore used this to generate a large proportion of their electricity.
Decayed organic material used as a fertilizer for growing plants.
Example:Electricity is produced using methane gas, generated from a mix of compost and water in a large steel tank.
The action of using up a resource.
Example:Generally, the five countries showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption.
A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current.
Example:The table below shows the percentage use of four different fuel types to generate electricity.
The necessary items for a particular purpose.
Example:The equipment consists of a large tank, boxes, and pipes that would be able to fit into a garage-sized room.
Material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or power.
Example:The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity.
gas compressor:
noun phrase
A compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume.
Example:Once compressed in a gas compressor, the methane fuels a combustion engine, which in turn produces mechanical energy.
gas storage system:
noun phrase
Gas storage is principally used to meet load variations. Gas is injected into storage during periods of low demand and withdrawn from storage during periods of peak demand.
Example:Methane rises to the top of the tank and is collected and stored in a gas storage system.
Produce or create.
Example:The table below shows the percentage use of four different fuel types to generate electricity.
nuclear fuel:
noun phrase
A substance that will sustain a fission chain reaction so that it can be used as a source of nuclear energy.
Example:Taking nuclear fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%.
petroleum products:
noun phrase
Examples of petroleum products include kerosene, home heating oil, diesel fuel, and gasoline.
Example:Regarding Petroleum products, Thailand produced 36% of its electricity from this source.
Make or manufacture from components or raw materials.
Example:A significant amount was produced from other sources with three countries.
A body or process by which energy or a particular component enters a system.
Example:The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity.
A change or slight difference in condition, amount, or level, typically within certain limits.
Example:It can be seen that there was a significant variation in which fuels countries used to generate their electricity.
A combustible black or dark brown rock consisting chiefly of carbonized plant matter, found mainly in underground seams and used as fuel.
Example:Turning to Coal and Lignite, Malaysia and Singapore used this to generate a large proportion of their electricity.
Decayed organic material used as a fertilizer for growing plants.
Example:Electricity is produced using methane gas, generated from a mix of compost and water in a large steel tank.
The action of using up a resource.
Example:Generally, the five countries showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption.
A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current.
Example:The table below shows the percentage use of four different fuel types to generate electricity.
The necessary items for a particular purpose.
Example:The equipment consists of a large tank, boxes, and pipes that would be able to fit into a garage-sized room.
Material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or power.
Example:The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity.
gas compressor:
noun phrase
A compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume.
Example:Once compressed in a gas compressor, the methane fuels a combustion engine, which in turn produces mechanical energy.
gas storage system:
noun phrase
Gas storage is principally used to meet load variations. Gas is injected into storage during periods of low demand and withdrawn from storage during periods of peak demand.
Example:Methane rises to the top of the tank and is collected and stored in a gas storage system.
Produce or create.
Example:The table below shows the percentage use of four different fuel types to generate electricity.
nuclear fuel:
noun phrase
A substance that will sustain a fission chain reaction so that it can be used as a source of nuclear energy.
Example:Taking nuclear fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%.
petroleum products:
noun phrase
Examples of petroleum products include kerosene, home heating oil, diesel fuel, and gasoline.
Example:Regarding Petroleum products, Thailand produced 36% of its electricity from this source.
Make or manufacture from components or raw materials.
Example:A significant amount was produced from other sources with three countries.
A body or process by which energy or a particular component enters a system.
Example:The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity.
A change or slight difference in condition, amount, or level, typically within certain limits.
Example:It can be seen that there was a significant variation in which fuels countries used to generate their electricity.
A combustible black or dark brown rock consisting chiefly of carbonized plant matter, found mainly in underground seams and used as fuel.
Example:Turning to Coal and Lignite, Malaysia and Singapore used this to generate a large proportion of their electricity.
Decayed organic material used as a fertilizer for growing plants.
Example:Electricity is produced using methane gas, generated from a mix of compost and water in a large steel tank.
The action of using up a resource.
Example:Generally, the five countries showed a significant difference in their patterns of consumption.
A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current.
Example:The table below shows the percentage use of four different fuel types to generate electricity.
The necessary items for a particular purpose.
Example:The equipment consists of a large tank, boxes, and pipes that would be able to fit into a garage-sized room.
Material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or power.
Example:The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity.
gas compressor:
noun phrase
A compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume.
Example:Once compressed in a gas compressor, the methane fuels a combustion engine, which in turn produces mechanical energy.
gas storage system:
noun phrase
Gas storage is principally used to meet load variations. Gas is injected into storage during periods of low demand and withdrawn from storage during periods of peak demand.
Example:Methane rises to the top of the tank and is collected and stored in a gas storage system.
Produce or create.
Example:The table below shows the percentage use of four different fuel types to generate electricity.
nuclear fuel:
noun phrase
A substance that will sustain a fission chain reaction so that it can be used as a source of nuclear energy.
Example:Taking nuclear fuel first, Japan had the highest percentage at 49%.
petroleum products:
noun phrase
Examples of petroleum products include kerosene, home heating oil, diesel fuel, and gasoline.
Example:Regarding Petroleum products, Thailand produced 36% of its electricity from this source.
Make or manufacture from components or raw materials.
Example:A significant amount was produced from other sources with three countries.
A body or process by which energy or a particular component enters a system.
Example:The table shows different sources of fuel for producing electricity.
A change or slight difference in condition, amount, or level, typically within certain limits.
Example:It can be seen that there was a significant variation in which fuels countries used to generate their electricity.