10 Crime terms
This glossary can help you prepare for the IELTS writing tasks related to the Crime in Panama City in Crime.
Illegal entry of a building with intent to commit a crime, especially theft.
Example: In 2010, we can see that burglary was the most common crime, with approximately 3,400 reported cases.
Perpetrate or carry out (a mistake, crime, or immoral act).
Example: The number of offences committed changed little over nine years.
Moving or leading towards a lower place or level.
Example: The figure rose to around 3,700 in 2011, but then there was a downward trend until 2015.
In most cases; usually.
Example: There was a marginal decrease in the following year, but from then on, the trend was generally upwards.
At once; instantly.
Example: We can see immediately that the greatest change occurred in the number of burglaries, while incidents of theft remained low but steady.
Minor and not important; not central.
A breach of a law or rule; an illegal act.
Firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking or moving.
A general direction in which something is developing or changing.
Up to the point in time or the event mentioned.
Example: In 2010, the number of cars being stolen stood at around 2,800 and followed a similar trend to burglary until 2013.